FANTASTIC. And I thought it was a mock-narrative documentary? And it’s fiction? Fooled me. That’s the question though isn’t it, fiction is unwritten/untold/marginalized history and it’s all about finding yourself in that spectral past of queer time, identities and desires - to all the Fae Richards and Mammys
Truffaut献给世界的“银亮色的梦”虽然表面上是the love drama that blurs the cinematic world and the reality然而关于拍电影的电影好莱坞和French Cinema可谓是大相径庭(Meet Pamela这种禁忌的melodrama就很French嘛).我感觉Truffaut就是可以拍“接地气”的New Wave,既可以让观众捧腹大笑歪歪漫画免费漫画页面在线看漫画官网也不忘贯穿对于艺术创作影像人生的哲学迷思自己饰演电影中的导演除了有打破第四面墙的意味外更让电影中对于film making的delineation有了极高的真实性, 这或许就是express the affection of cinema without saying it的最高境界了