You thought it will be safe,but it still somehow, finds a new way to break. Because even though you are the one who asked for this, now that your get it, you are completely adrift with no compass or map or sense of where to go or what to do. You think you might find community, a connection to something bigger, but you don’t.
剧情虽然很魔幻但还是有能戳到我的点的一是Elle和Vivian因为共同的坚持关系破冰最后成为好朋友比Elle最后出人头地剩shallow男配女配抱头痛哭的处理方式要痛快太多;二是喜欢Elle说的那句”This is so much better than that”爱欲本来就是生活中很稀松平常的一部分青春德云社不断放大他实在是太蠢了因太多太多好东西胜过他千倍万倍