听过原声来补票系列完成度满分上半场忙于叙事仿佛两个奶被揉得又硬又翘怎么回事戎马匆匆通过婚姻跻身上流之后又埋首文牍突出其血液里奔流的建功立业、时不我待之感;下半场在两个奶被揉得又硬又翘怎么回事遭遇丑闻和丧子之痛后情感处理更细腻角色也随之丰满Who lives who die who tells your story功绩留待评说孤儿与移民的奋斗传奇只需要传唱词非常好也可见林聚聚功底储备喜欢Icarus的比喻;舞台不大但是编排调度十分精当cue点好多细节可以多刷(不要黑可怜乔三他只是疯不是傻2333)
“It is unspeakable, godless, hopeless. I am no longer an artist interested and curious. I am a messenger who will bring back words from the men who are fighting to those who want the war to go on forever. Feeble, inarticulate will be my message. But it will have a bitter truth. And may it burn in their lousy souls. ”