个人觉得很妙的几点: 1jazzing爵士的精髓就是improvizego with the flow and enjoy the moment 2teach所有的伟人都教不了22也许她缺的正是一个平凡的老师 3great beyond和great before生与死的循环中间就是人间生命的意义从来不是一个purpose而是这个过程本身 另外伦理片几乎所有细节处理都妙不可言灵魂出窍和lost soul这些自不必说猫和老鼠面对面拖pizza真的笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈
As noir as black gets. Stanwyck makes a stunning performance as the femme fatale who bends a man's mind and twists his heart. Even the experienced, cynical insurance salesman (McMurray) cannot evade her irresistible spell. Carefully planning a near-perfect murder is one thing, following through "straight down the line" is another, especially as tension & pressure skyrocket, while confidence in your shady accomplice erodes over time. The relationship between the MC and the other secondary characters is well fleshed out, in particular with the claims director (Robinson), a sharp and impetuous force of nature who cares more than he shows. Was the dame truly changed in the end? Hard to decide.